Climate reparations and development policies
A visible divide in the world can be observed in current times like most of the times in global history. However, this time the world is divided into the Global South and the Global North. These two are coined to usage as a result of the teetering adaptation of the climatic policies, globally. The Global South comprises of the countries mostly above the 40° N latitude that majorly contribute to the carbon emissions and other GHGs while the Global North constitutes the countries impacted by those emissions — most of them contributing to less than 1% emissions.
These countries below 40° N are now demanding the climatic reparations for the loss caused by the climatic belligerency — a debate ignited much, after the 2022 flooding of almost the complete western belt of Pakistan impacting 33 million people tantamount to the population of Scandinavia. It devastated the infrastructure of more than $10 billion. It is estimated that this loss of infrastructure put the country 20 years back in development.
In this time of national emergency and humanitarian crisis, there is much need to focus on the policies for the development of sustainable infrastructure and properly utilizing the aid as the cases of looted relief trucks and the reselling of collected stuff has become a great impediment. In addition to that, the donating nations are preferring their own NGOs working in the affected areas to contribute their aids to as well as the overseas well-wishers are depending on their trustees in the flood hit land to make their transfers. In an environment of such political instability in the country and the economy at a scathing standard, the donating nations sense a high chance of the amount to be disbursed among the elites.
In order to overcome such prescient thoughts that proved true many very times in the history and considering the status quo ante of the country, the state need to provide a blueprint regarding the issuing and imbursements of the aid. And even if the climatic reparation will be the policy of global acceptance, the nations of Global North must devise a plan to put that to good use along with the establishment of the check and balance system adopted by the Global South in order to keep the funds under check and to further avoid having their backs to the wall.